ARP Act Emergency Grant FAQ


  • Information about the CARES Act is available here
  • Information about the CRRSA Act is available here

In compliance with Section 18004(e) of the CARES Act, Pub. L. No. 116-136, 134 Stat. 281 (March 27, 2020), UNH has released information regarding the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting—

Prior reports can be viewed below.

What is the ARP?

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) is federal legislation that provides additional financial support to individuals and organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). One part of this federal program provides emergency grants to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students with exceptional need or unexpected expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Where are the ARP Emergency Grant funds coming from? Is there some sort of disaster relief fund?

The University of New Hampshire was awarded supplemental HEERF funds from the federal ARP, which provides one-time emergency grants for eligible college students with exceptional need or unexpected expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do I know if I qualify for the ARP Emergency Grant?

  • Undergraduate, Graduate and Law students who have exceptional financial need or unexpected expenses are eligible to apply for these funds.
  • ARP funds are distributed to eligible students based upon exceptional financial need or unexpected expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In all cases, students with exceptional financial need will be prioritized for funding first.
  • ARP funds will be distributed using a phased approach throughout the summer and into the fall semester – not all students will be able to apply for these funds immediately. However, when emergency grant funds are available to you, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the emergency grant application through Webcat.

Am I eligible for an Emergency Grant if I did not apply for financial aid?

Yes. The University understands there is a great need right now and that family financial situations have changed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do I apply for ARP Emergency Grant?

Eligible students will be notified via their UNH email address. Students will apply for the funds through Webcat by selecting ARP Emergency Grant under the Financial Aid tab. If you do not see this option under the Financial Aid tab, it means that you are not yet eligible to apply. Please be patient as the phased application process occurs over the next several months.

Does receiving the ARP Emergency Grant reduce my financial aid?

No, this fund does not eliminate or replace financial aid. It is a one-time grant.

If I received CARES Act and/or CRRSA Act Emergency Grant, am I eligible to receive the ARP Emergency Grant?

Yes. Eligibility for the ARP Emergency Grant is independent from the CARES Act and CRRSA Act Emergency Grants. Having previously received a CARES Act and/or CRRSA Act Emergency Grant does not impact your ARP Emergency Grant eligibility.

If I did not apply for the CARES Act and/or CRRSA Act Emergency Grant, am I eligible for the ARP Emergency Grant?

Yes, if you meet the ARP Emergency Grant eligibility requirements of either exceptional need or unexpected expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

How much will the ARP Emergency Grant be?

Amounts vary; eligibility will be determined once the application is completed. Emergency grants will generally be between $500 and $1200.

How will UNH determine the amount each eligible student will receive?

UNH is following the ARP and the U.S. Department of Education guidance which require universities to prioritize students with exceptional need. The dollar amounts reflect the university meeting this federal expectation and the fixed allocation available to distribute.

How do I receive my Emergency Grant?

  • Eligible students should complete the application as soon as possible, after receiving the application instructions. Eligible students will be notified via their UNH email account using a phased approach throughout the summer and into the fall semester – not all students will be able to apply for these funds immediately. Please be patient as the phased application process occurs over the next several months.
  • Eligible students can apply the Emergency Grant toward cost of attendance items on their student account bill or have the funds issued directly to the student. The Emergency Grant application allows you to indicate how you wish to receive the funds.
  • If you choose to apply the funds toward your cost of attendance items, the Emergency Grant will first be applied to any outstanding balance on your account.
  • If you choose to have the funds issued directly to you, UNH strongly recommends that you set up direct deposit to receive the funds.
    • Eligible students can set up or confirm their direct deposit information in WEBCAT. Under the Billing tab, click on “Request Refund,” then select “Request Direct Deposit Refund to Student.” Direct deposits generally arrive in 4-5 business days.
    • If a direct deposit record does not exist, funds will be mailed to the student’s permanent mailing address. Checks take approximately 2-3 weeks. To update your permanent mailing address email from your UNH email account.

I am enrolled in an online program, am I eligible for the ARP Emergency Grant?

Yes. The ARP and guidance from the U.S. Department of Education state that students enrolled exclusively in online programs are eligible for emergency grants.

What happens if I do not need funds now, but I do have expenses later?

  • Eligible students can apply for funds at the time when expenses are incurred.
  • However, eligible students should complete the application as soon as possible. Emergency Grants will be distributed as long as funding remains available.
  • The ARP funds are intended to go to students with exceptional financial need or those who have unexpected expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is there a deadline to apply for an Emergency Grant?

No. However, eligible students should complete the application as soon as possible since Emergency Grants will be distributed as long as funding remains available.

What type of expenses are covered by the Emergency Grant?

Any component of the student’s cost of attendance (tuition, fees, housing, meals, books/supplies, transportation and other miscellaneous) or unexpected expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic (including tuition, fees, housing, meals, healthcare and childcare).

If I receive an Emergency Grant, am I required to report how I used the grant funds?

No. The ARP Emergency Grant is intended to help students during this difficult time. Emergency Grants are required to be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance (tuition, fees, housing, meals, books/supplies, transportation and other miscellaneous) or unexpected expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic (including tuition, fees, housing, meals, healthcare and childcare).

Do I have to repay an Emergency Grant?

No, the ARP Emergency Grant funds are a grant, not a loan.

Do I need to report financial aid or grants on my federal tax return?

Each financial award you receive from the federal government and other sources will have separate and unique tax consequences for your federal tax return. Visit the IRS website for assistance.

Who should I contact if I have questions?